Commande de lecture d'une demo

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fake geek
Bonsoir/jour a tous :),

Il me semblais qu'il existait des commandes (ff, rewind, stop,...) applicable lorsqu'on regarde une demo. J'ai cherché un peu ac mon ami de tjs, j'ai nomé google mais j'ai rein trouvé donc si qqun qui les connais (ou qui connais un autre moyen de faire ces tites opérations) pouvait m'éclairer ce serais bien sympa merciiiii :))


tape "viewdemo nom.dem"


// °°° Four-Kings Intel in_eyes demo script for CS 
// °°° ------------------------------------------- 
// If you dont want to use viewdemo 
// or just like to have slowmotion/fastforward 
// binded to a single key. 
// Also very usefull for when people are timing rounds 
// or you want to get rid of those annoying long pauses 

// °°° Keys being used 
// °°° ------------------------------------------- 
// mouse1 - shows scoreboard 
// f9 - extreme slowmotion 
// f10 - normal slowmotion 
// f8 - pause 
// f11 - normal fastforward 
// f12 - extreme fastforward 
// just press a key twice to go back to normal playback mode 
// f1 - endmovie

// °°° Binds & Aliases 
// °°° ------------------------------------------- 
bind "MOUSE1" "+showscores" 

// The following commands will allow you to fast forward 
// in two differant speeds binded to f9 and f10 

alias fw2on "host_framerate 0.05;alias fw2 fw2off;developer 1;echo Extreme Fastforward;developer 0" 
alias fw2off "host_framerate 0.0;alias fw2 fw2on;developer 1;echo default playback speed;developer 0" 
alias fw2 "fw2on" 
bind "F5" "fw2" 

alias fastforwardon "host_framerate 0.015;alias fastforward fastforwardoff;developer 1;echo Fastforward;developer 0" 
alias fastforwardoff "host_framerate 0.0;alias fastforward fastforwardon;developer 1;echo default playback speed;developer 0" 
alias fastforward "fastforwardon" 
bind "F4" "fastforward" 

// The following command will pause the game and bind it to f8 

alias pauseon "host_framerate 0.0000000001;alias pauser pauseoff;developer 1;echo paused;developer 0" 
alias pauseoff "host_framerate 0.0;alias pauser pauseon;developer 1;echo unpaused;developer 0" 
alias pauser "pauseon" 
bind "F3" "pauser" 

// Two differant speeds for nice slowmotion action shots 
// one is really very slow and the other one is a bit faster 
// binded to f6 & f7 

alias slowmotionon "host_framerate 0.0025;alias slowmotion slowmotionoff;developer 1;echo Slowmotion;developer 0" 
alias slowmotionoff "host_framerate 0.0;alias slowmotion slowmotionon;developer 1;echo default playback speed;developer 0" 
alias slowmotion "slowmotionon" 
bind "F2" "slowmotion" 

alias sw2on "host_framerate 0.0005;alias sw2 sw2off;developer 1;echo Extreme Slowmotion;developer 0" 
alias sw2off "host_framerate 0.0;alias sw2 sw2on;developer 1;echo default playback speed;developer 0" 
alias sw2 "sw2on" 
bind "F1" "sw2" 

echo "F6" - extreme slowmotion" 

echo "f10 - normal slowmotion" 
echo "f8 - pause" 
echo "f11 - normal fastforward" 
echo "f12 - extreme fastforward" 
echo "just press a key twice to go back to normal playback mode" 

hud_saytext 0 
gamma "10"
voice_enable "0" 
brightness "5" 
gl_overbright "1" 
gl_overbrights "1" 
hud_centerid "0" 
max_shells "500" 
max_smokepuffs "500" 
hud_drawhistory_time "0" 
hud_saytext_time "0" 
hud_saytext_interval "0" 
hud_draw "1" 
net_graph "0" 
hud_classautokill "1" 
cl_himodels "1" 
cl_showfps "0"
bind "PGUP" "exec G.cfg"


fake geek
J'ai trouvé ce que je cherchais merci gum ;)
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