DOOM III : La démo ( Pas avant le 3 aout )

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Welcome to id Software's Finger Service V1.5!

Name: Todd Hollenshead
Description: CEO
Last Updated: 07/14/2004 22:47:45 (Central Standard Time)
7-14-2004 10:19 PM CDT

A few bottles of champagne later (so excuse the typos)....

First of all, thank you to everyone who sent congratulatory notes on the GOLD announcement. I speak for
everyone at id when I say I wish I could respond to everyone personally, but hopefully this general note
can convey how much we sincerely appreciate the sentiment from everyone out there waiting for the game.

A few people have reminded me of some details omitted from my initial update:

Mac and Linux: Unfortunately I don't have dates for either of these. However, Linux binaries will be
available very soon after the PC game hits store shelves. There are no plans for boxed Linux games.
More remains to be done for the OSX version of DOOM 3 and that will take some time. We won't release
the OSX version until it's just as polished as the PC version. The date for OSX DOOM 3 remains "when it's
done", but I can confirm that it's definitely coming.

Demo: our priority was finishing the game first and now we are turning our attention to the demo. I
don't have any information to share regarding any specific content, but I don't believe that we have
ever disappointed in that regard in the past. We will release the demo as soon as it's done, but this
probably won't happen until after the game has arrived on U.S. store shelves.

Last, but not least, the id Store: we will have copies of DOOM 3 available, but only after we get them.
I'm sure that some of the hardcore game retailers will get them even before we do. Check our website for
updates on this. We certainly appreciate everyone who has helped to make the id Store a huge success this
year. By the way, more DOOM 3 T-Shirts just arrived, so those popular items are back in stock and will be
available this week.

I understand that people have lots and lots of questions. We're working on pulling together some form of
an official FAQ, but even though we're done we still have several responsibilities that are urgent as the
game heads for retail. Please bear with us on this.

I know I owe you those preparation tips, but they will have to wait until tomorrow.

7-14-2004 11:52 AM CDT


Géniale comme ca je verrais d'abord comment il tourne sur mon pc avant de l'acheter :D Dommage qu'il faille encore attendre


Bald a dit:
Géniale comme ca je verrais d'abord comment il tourne sur mon pc avant de l'acheter :D Dommage qu'il faille encore attendre
kler dmg qui faut attendre aussi lgtps pour la démo ...

:-( :cry:


ouais c'est con ils devrai la sortir avant le jeu une seamaine avant juste pour exiter les gamerz et vendre plein de jeu :D


si sa tombe en cherchant bien sur le reseaux p2p ya ptetre moyen de trouver qlq chose avant :D

( :? quoi ??? tt le monde peut rever)


DEKO70 a dit:
ouais c'est con ils devrai la sortir avant le jeu une seamaine avant juste pour exiter les gamerz et vendre plein de jeu :D
Pour nous ce sera une semaine avant :wink:
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