Manifeste d'économistes atterrés

procés d'intention, t'as rien d'autre a ajouter j'imagine
merci d'etre passé quand meme
Continue de nier la réalité, les abus des syndicats commencent à saouler la population.



just 30 percent of employees in America feel engaged at work, according to a 2013 report by Gallup. Around the world, across 142 countries, the proportion of employees who feel engaged at work is just 13 percent. For most of us, in short, work is a depleting, dispiriting experience, and in some obvious ways, it’s getting worse

article tres intéressant sur la situation du "travail" dans le monde

et dans la meme lignée:
On en parle de la désintégration en plein vol de ton pote Piketty ou pas? :)
Aucun démontage, encore une fois tu travestis la vérité, Piketty a bien des calculs faux et sa réponse a été jugée peu convaincante par les spécialistes.

Enfin bon, Piketty c'est l'économiste de gauche par excellence, le bertrand cantat de l'économie (accusé de maltraitance par son ex compagne... la socialiste aurélie filipetti).


et je suis aussi tombé sur ceci

Paul Volcker a propos de la regulation et de la fed:

PV: In the area of financial regulation?

DP: Yes.

PV: A lot’s been done. What needs to be done is to enforce it. This business of the resolution process [of resolving the affairs of insolvent banks in an orderly fashion], whether you’re talking about the FDIC or the Federal Reserve, there’s a lot of work being done, and it’s not complete, but then again, otherwise, we’ve got to reorganize the supervisory system. There are too many holes, too many overlaps, too many opportunities for regulatory capture from the affected industries. That should be reformed.

DP: Okay. Could you talk a little bit about the justification behind the Volcker Rule and the effect you think it’s had on the market?

PV: The rule is that institutions that are protected by the government, implicitly or explicitly, should not be engaged in speculative activities that bear no real relationship to the purposes for which banks are protected. Banks are protected to make loans, they’re protected to keep the payments system stable. They’re protected so you have a stable place to put your money. That’s why banks are protected. They’re not protected to engage in speculative activities which led to risk and jeopardized the banking system. That’s the basic philosophy. I think it’s pretty well-accepted.


How Unemployment Benefits Stimulate Economy

A study by Moody's Analytics recently found that every dollar spent by the government on benefits for the unemployed produces an overall return of $1.61 for the economy. Guest host Lynn Neary talks with Moody economist Sophia Koropeckyj about what makes unemployment checks stimulate the economy, and why other types of government spending don't do nearly as much good.



America is treating its low-wage workers so badly that it's starting to get shamed by the rest of the world.

The International Monetary Fund on Monday cut its forecast for U.S. economic growth this year, warned of sluggish growth for years to come, and made a bunch of suggestions for getting America's economic house in order -- including raising the abysmally low federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour.
"[G]iven its current low level (compared both to U.S. history and international standards), the minimum wage should be increased," the global financial-stability group wrote in its annual assessment of state of the U.S. economy. "This would help raise incomes for millions of working poor and (help) ensure a meaningful increase in after-tax earnings for the nation’s poorest households."
The IMF didn't say how much it thought the minimum wage should be, exactly. President Barack Obama has proposed an increase to $10.10 an hour. If the minimum wage had been adjusted for inflation regularly, it would be at least $10.68, according to the National Employment Law Project. Many fast-food workers would prefer $15 an hour. If wage floors had been raised to keep up with productivity, then they would be closer to $22 an hour.
However you figure it, the wage is too low, and one of the lowest among the world's developed economies

L économie américaine perdra des points de croissance si elle n agit pas vite
Le FMI conseille entre autre de relever le salaire minimum qui est extrêmement bas


A nuancer, ils parlent d'augmentation de taxes en Amérique qui restent très modérées et qui malgré la hausse sont à <15% sur les salaires. Ce qui reste quasi insignifiant dans le changement de la courbe de Laffer.

Et la plus part des jobs créés viennent du secteur publique, Ok c'est des jobs créés mais ça reste un demi fail quand même.


Faut remettre cela dans le contexte ou le GOP disait tout le contraire afin de combattre l unemployment

Apres quand on rentre dans les détails, effectivement ca reste très modéré et la plupart des jobs créés sont des low wages