skprobleme :/

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Drink Fast Corp.

Probleme simple, mais enervant ...

Je lance SKplayer, jusque la tout ca va bien :)
Je vais chercher mon
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\karma\counterstrike\cstrike\nomdemo.dem
avec en dessous le Path to executable :
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\karma\counterstrike\hl.exe

Aucune commande dans line option ...

Ensuite je lance la demo en cliquant dans la partie de droite, le truc principal de steam se lance ... et puis ... rien ...
Y a le "Play Game" qui reste enfoncé; mais rien ne bouge ...

qqun a une idée ?


dans la ligne des commandes options

-applaunch 10



Drink Fast Corp.
jvais tester ca :p


sinon y avait pas qqpart un bazar avec tt les commandes a mettre pour virer les say_ le radar etc ... ?


hud_saytext 3
hideradar 1
net_graph 0

Chaud la vidzz le karma :wink:


Si j'avais fait un threads la dessus,

mais les modos l'ont effacé jugé trop interessant :)

tu crée un demo.cfg tu met ca dedans

// If you dont want to use viewdemo
// or just like to have slowmotion/fastforward
// binded to a single key.
// Also very usefull for when people are timing rounds
// or you want to get rid of those annoying long pauses

// °°° Keys being used
// °°° -------------------------------------------
// mouse1 - shows scoreboard
// f6 - extreme slowmotion
// f7 - normal slowmotion
// f8 - pause
// f9 - normal fastforward
// f10 - extreme fastforward
// just press a key twice to go back to normal playback mode

// °°° Binds & Aliases
// °°° -------------------------------------------
bind "MOUSE1" "+showscores"

// The following commands will allow you to fast forward
// in two differant speeds binded to f9 and f10

alias fw2on "host_framerate 0.05;alias fw2 fw2off;developer 1;echo Extreme Fastforward;developer 0"
alias fw2off "host_framerate 0.0;alias fw2 fw2on;developer 1;echo default playback speed;developer 0"
alias fw2 "fw2on"
bind "F10" "fw2"

alias fastforwardon "host_framerate 0.015;alias fastforward fastforwardoff;developer 1;echo Fastforward;developer 0"
alias fastforwardoff "host_framerate 0.0;alias fastforward fastforwardon;developer 1;echo default playback speed;developer 0"
alias fastforward "fastforwardon"
bind "F9" "fastforward"

// The following command will pause the game and bind it to f8

alias pauseon "host_framerate 0.0000000001;alias pauser pauseoff;developer 1;echo paused;developer 0"
alias pauseoff "host_framerate 0.0;alias pauser pauseon;developer 1;echo unpaused;developer 0"
alias pauser "pauseon"
bind "F8" "pauser"

// Two differant speeds for nice slowmotion action shots
// one is really very slow and the other one is a bit faster
// binded to f6 & f7

alias slowmotionon "host_framerate 0.0025;alias slowmotion slowmotionoff;developer 1;echo Slowmotion;developer 0"
alias slowmotionoff "host_framerate 0.0;alias slowmotion slowmotionon;developer 1;echo default playback speed;developer 0"
alias slowmotion "slowmotionon"
bind "F7" "slowmotion"

alias sw2on "host_framerate 0.0005;alias sw2 sw2off;developer 1;echo Extreme Slowmotion;developer 0"
alias sw2off "host_framerate 0.0;alias sw2 sw2on;developer 1;echo default playback speed;developer 0"
alias sw2 "sw2on"
bind "F6" "sw2"

echo "mouse1 - shows scoreboard"
echo "f6 - extreme slowmotion"
echo "f7 - normal slowmotion"
echo "f8 - pause"
echo "f9 - normal fastforward"
echo "f10 - extreme fastforward"
echo "just press a key twice to go back to normal playback mode"

hud_saytext 0
gamma "10"
brightness "5"
gl_overbright "1"
gl_overbrights "1"
hud_centerid "0"
max_shells "500"
max_smokepuffs "500"
hud_drawhistory_time "0"
hud_saytext_time "0"
hud_saytext_interval "0"
hud_draw "1"
net_graph "0"
hud_classautokill "1"
cl_himodels "1"
net_graph 0

(exec la cfg avant d'exec la demo hein)


Drink Fast Corp.
oué chaud :p

chuis entrain de faire mes ptits .avi pénards avant de compiler le bazar :)

Y avait pas un thread avec tout ca en fait ?


Drink Fast Corp.
tiens, on peut "fast forward" pendant qu'on startmovie ?

pour donner un effet acceleré


kaRma a dit:
tiens, on peut "fast forward" pendant qu'on startmovie ?

pour donner un effet acceleré

mais fo bien doser pcq sinon tu rate un frag -_-


Drink Fast Corp.
t es un ange roflh :p


Drink Fast Corp.
Sandrine a dit:
kaRma a dit:
tiens, on peut "fast forward" pendant qu'on startmovie ?

pour donner un effet acceleré

mais fo bien doser pcq sinon tu rate un frag -_-

moi je rate tout mes frags :/


Quesqu'elle vient fouttre là l'image du WTC ?


Merci pour les informations ^^
Je vais m'y mettre aussi (mais vu que ma team est... ca sera plus une vidéo comique qu'autre chose)


Daftdj a dit:
Quesqu'elle vient fouttre là l'image du WTC ?
bha cs= anti terroiste + terroriste donc la l image ...heu oaui nan :D


je t'affone !
Sandrine a dit:
Si j'avais fait un threads la dessus,

mais les modos l'ont effacé jugé trop interessant :)

tu crée un demo.cfg tu met ca dedans

// If you dont want to use viewdemo
// or just like to have slowmotion/fastforward
// binded to a single key.
// Also very usefull for when people are timing rounds
// or you want to get rid of those annoying long pauses

// °°° Keys being used
// °°° -------------------------------------------
// mouse1 - shows scoreboard
// f6 - extreme slowmotion
// f7 - normal slowmotion
// f8 - pause
// f9 - normal fastforward
// f10 - extreme fastforward
// just press a key twice to go back to normal playback mode

// °°° Binds & Aliases
// °°° -------------------------------------------
bind "MOUSE1" "+showscores"

// The following commands will allow you to fast forward
// in two differant speeds binded to f9 and f10

alias fw2on "host_framerate 0.05;alias fw2 fw2off;developer 1;echo Extreme Fastforward;developer 0"
alias fw2off "host_framerate 0.0;alias fw2 fw2on;developer 1;echo default playback speed;developer 0"
alias fw2 "fw2on"
bind "F10" "fw2"

alias fastforwardon "host_framerate 0.015;alias fastforward fastforwardoff;developer 1;echo Fastforward;developer 0"
alias fastforwardoff "host_framerate 0.0;alias fastforward fastforwardon;developer 1;echo default playback speed;developer 0"
alias fastforward "fastforwardon"
bind "F9" "fastforward"

// The following command will pause the game and bind it to f8

alias pauseon "host_framerate 0.0000000001;alias pauser pauseoff;developer 1;echo paused;developer 0"
alias pauseoff "host_framerate 0.0;alias pauser pauseon;developer 1;echo unpaused;developer 0"
alias pauser "pauseon"
bind "F8" "pauser"

// Two differant speeds for nice slowmotion action shots
// one is really very slow and the other one is a bit faster
// binded to f6 & f7

alias slowmotionon "host_framerate 0.0025;alias slowmotion slowmotionoff;developer 1;echo Slowmotion;developer 0"
alias slowmotionoff "host_framerate 0.0;alias slowmotion slowmotionon;developer 1;echo default playback speed;developer 0"
alias slowmotion "slowmotionon"
bind "F7" "slowmotion"

alias sw2on "host_framerate 0.0005;alias sw2 sw2off;developer 1;echo Extreme Slowmotion;developer 0"
alias sw2off "host_framerate 0.0;alias sw2 sw2on;developer 1;echo default playback speed;developer 0"
alias sw2 "sw2on"
bind "F6" "sw2"

echo "mouse1 - shows scoreboard"
echo "f6 - extreme slowmotion"
echo "f7 - normal slowmotion"
echo "f8 - pause"
echo "f9 - normal fastforward"
echo "f10 - extreme fastforward"
echo "just press a key twice to go back to normal playback mode"

hud_saytext 0
gamma "10"
brightness "5"
gl_overbright "1"
gl_overbrights "1"
hud_centerid "0"
max_shells "500"
max_smokepuffs "500"
hud_drawhistory_time "0"
hud_saytext_time "0"
hud_saytext_interval "0"
hud_draw "1"
net_graph "0"
hud_classautokill "1"
cl_himodels "1"
net_graph 0

(exec la cfg avant d'exec la demo hein)
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