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ex membre

je sais pas si c'est ici que je dois poster ça ... mais bon :)

Voila je cherche le codec cvid Cinepak by Supermac , celui là et pas un autre :) , car je suis entrain de faire mon movie cs, et tout mes petits .avi sont fait avec celui là , j'ai cherché sur , google etc... et je ne le trouve pas.

Donc si qqun a un lien précis pour le pomper ce serait sympa de me le filer, ou bien de m'envoyer l'install .



voila ce que j ai trouvé:
cinepack a ete developpé par supermac , ms maintenant c est geré par une autre compagnie ; j suppose que la version des codec cinepack qu ils offrent devraient te convenir :


ex membre
vi G pris, mais je pas comprendre, ds le .zip a dl, y a pas de .exe ni rien, C juste un .drv et un .inf et le readme est un anglais et je pas tout comprendre... :s


ex membre
help plz :s

black frog

Issap a dit:
vi G pris, mais je pas comprendre, ds le .zip a dl, y a pas de .exe ni rien, C juste un .drv et un .inf et le readme est un anglais et je pas tout comprendre... :s
normalement tu clique avec le bouton droit sur le inf, ca t'ouvre un menu contextuel qui propose d'installer, c'est tout, pour le fichier en anglais, fais un copier collé ici, on va voir, il est possible que tu doive déposer la dll dans un certain répertoire,


ex membre
Cinepak Codec by Radius
Product Version 1.10
Release Version

-------- Instructions for Installation of Cinepak Codec ----------

1. When running Windows, do the following:

a. Open up the Control Panel application and invoke the Drivers

b. From the Drivers applet's main window select the Add...

c. In the Add dialog box which then appears choose the selection
"Unlisted or Updated Driver" from the List of Drivers listbox.

d. In the Install Driver dialog box which then appears enter
either A:\ or B:\ in the edit field, depending on which drive
you have inserted the Cinepak diskette. Press OK.

e. In the Add Unlisted or Updated Driver dialog box which should
then appear, you should see the following entries:

Cinepak Codec by Radius

Select it and press OK.

f. The Cinepak Codec will be copied into your Windows system
subdirectory and its installation should then be complete.

----- Changes for release 6 Nov 1995 ------------------------------

1. Cinepak now checks for validity of the biBitCount field on YUV
destination bitmaps for playback.

CLJR 8 bits/pixel
CPLA 12 bits/pixel
UYVY 16 bits/pixel
YUY2 16 bits/pixel

Affected: All

----- Changes for release 16 Oct 1995 -----------------------------

1. The compression quality improvements in were not achieved
in some circumstances. This change regains those improvements.

Affected: All

----- Changes for release 2 Oct 1995 ------------------------------

1. The x86 Win32 CPLA playback was not correct.

2. Compression quality has been improved.

Affected: All

----- Changes for release 9 May 1995 ------------------------------

1. In some circumstances playback would get a GPF while changing the
destination DIB format. This happened more often when profiling in
the UDH.

Affected: All

----- Changes for release 25 Feb 1995 -----------------------------

1. A playing movie's context now survives a change in the format of the
destination DIB. This means, for example, that a movie playing
through a DCI Provider can be switched from YUY2 format to an RGB
format (with an ICM_DECOMPRESSEX_BEGIN message) without being
required to have a key frame as the first frame after the BEGIN.
The caller is responsible, of course, for ensuring that the
destination image gets color converted so unchanged pixels in that
frame are correct.

The original specification for Video for Windows did not require
codecs to survive a destination DIB format change. Under some
circumstances, this led to "black blotches" that this change to the
codec fixes.

2. Movies that were not of size 0 mod 4 in both X and Y that were
playing to some YUV format DIBs would sometimes produce GPFs.

Cinepak refuses to play movies to YUV formats that do not meet
certain incoming frame size constraints:

CLJR Width in pixels and height in scanlines must be 0 mod 4
CPLA Width in pixels and height in scanlines must be 0 mod 4
UYVY Width in pixels must be 0 mod 2
YUY2 Width in pixels must be 0 mod 2

3. The decompressor was not ignoring frames when called with the
ICDECOMPRESS_NULLFRAME flag set. It caused GPFs on some movies.

4. The 32 bit x86 version of the codec now supports YUV destinations.
Some prior releases inadvertently omitted YUV support.

Affected: All

----- Changes for release 25 Jan 1995 -----------------------------

1. The memory footprint of the x86 Win32 version has been reduced in

2. The quality of large frames has been improved.

Affected: All

black frog

Issap a dit:
Cinepak Codec by Radius
Product Version 1.10
Release Version

-------- Instructions for Installation of Cinepak Codec ----------

1. When running Windows, do the following:

a. Open up the Control Panel application and invoke the Drivers

b. From the Drivers applet's main window select the Add...

c. In the Add dialog box which then appears choose the selection
"Unlisted or Updated Driver" from the List of Drivers listbox.

d. In the Install Driver dialog box which then appears enter
either A:\ or B:\ in the edit field, depending on which drive
you have inserted the Cinepak diskette. Press OK.

e. In the Add Unlisted or Updated Driver dialog box which should
then appear, you should see the following entries:

Cinepak Codec by Radius

Select it and press OK.

f. The Cinepak Codec will be copied into your Windows system
subdirectory and its installation should then be complete.

Affected: All

bon c'est simple, je pense que c'est une installation sous xp, que je connais pas,( j'ai w98se)
Premièrement décompresse les 2 fichiers en zip dans un répertoire que tu crée, par ex : codec

normalement tu vas dans poste de travail, et la tu devrais avoir un dossier avec drivers
tu sélectionne ajouter driver
tu sélectionne driver non listé ou autre
tu dis l'emplacement ou tu as décompressé ex: c:\codec

il va te proposer le driver a installer Cinepac codec by radius
tu sélectionne et tu fais ok
c'est tout, le reste du fichier contient les principaux upgrade du programme

voili voilou, j'espère que t'en sortiras.


ex membre
'k thx V essayer :) 'fin G 2k moi on verra si ça marche aussi.


ex membre
erf G pas de truc driver ds mon poste de travail :?
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