Gestionnaire de taches - truc bizzar

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Sergent Chef :::::
saalut, voila depuis peu, dans mon gestionnaire des taches de winxp, ds les processus, g deux fois "rundll32" avec mon nom d'utilisateur et non du"system", esce normal?????

g fait un ptit spybot, mais rien ny a changé, si kkn a un autre prog bien terrible du style pour verrifier mes kist, ce sera sympas


g wisptis.exe ossi ki me semble louche mais je ne trouve rien en "fr" sur google


ex membre

Marche très bien et se complète avec spybot


chaudard a dit:
g wisptis.exe ossi ki me semble louche mais je ne trouve rien en "fr" sur google
Tu as pensé à faire une recherche sur ton disque dur du fichier wisptis.exe, sachant ou il se trouve tu sauras peut-être dire si il est lié à un programme :wink:


Voudrait aprendre a te servir de google :shock:
ou encore
There was an interesting discussion not long ago. People complain file names are just too user un-unfriendly. What is WISPTIS.exe? It is “Microsoft Tablet PC Platform Component”. How could you tell from its name?

Valid complain.

Other people have rebuttal. File name is never meant to user friendly. If it is, what does it mean to international users? Do you want to localize the file name?

Other people have suggestion. You can store version information on binaries today. We should take advantage of that.

This is what I see on my machine. You will have WISPTIS.exe if you installed Microsoft Journal Viewer.
C:\>filever -v C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\wisptis.exe
--a-- W32i APP ENU 1.0.2201.0 shp 194,560 08-29-2002 wisptis.exe
Language 0x0409 (English (United States))
CharSet 0x04b0 Unicode
OleSelfRegister Enabled
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
FileDescription Microsoft Tablet PC Platform Component
InternalName WISPTIS.EXE
OriginalFilenam WISPTIS.EXE
ProductName Microsoft? Windows? Operating System
ProductVersion 1.0.2201.0
FileVersion 1.0.2201.0 (xpsp1.020828-1920)
LegalCopyright Copyright ? 1998-2002 Microsoft Corporation.

Signature: feef04bd
Struc Ver: 00010000
FileVer: 00010000:08990000 (1.0:2201.0)
ProdVer: 00010000:08990000 (1.0:2201.0)
FlagMask: 0000003f
Flags: 00000000
OS: 00040004 NT Win32
FileType: 00000001 App
SubType: 00000000
FileDate: 00000000:00000000


Pour ton RunDLL

WinTasks Process Library
rundll32 - rundll32.exe - Process Information
Process File: rundll32 or rundll32.exe
Process Name: Rundll32
Description: Microsoft "Run a DLL as an App". RUNDLL32 is the Microsoft Windows program that loads DLLs into memory so that they can be used by specific programs or by Windows.
Company: Microsoft Corp.
System Process: Yes
Security Risk ( Virus/Trojan/Worm/Adware/Spyware ): No
Common Errors: N/A
Donc c'est possible que tu en ai deux vue que
Description: Microsoft "Run a DLL as an App". RUNDLL32 is the Microsoft Windows program that loads DLLs into memory so that they can be used by specific programs or by Windows.
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