Logitech mx 500 help

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je viens c acheter une mx-500 j ai le site pour configurer mes touches(http://www.geocities.com/gpkgpk13/) mais je ne sais tjs pas comment faire, j ai essaye de comprendre les read me en anglais (je suis pas tres douer) en instalant le programe recommander mais ca ne fonctionne tjs pas p
svp aider moi


The Turkish
bon je vois plusieurs solution, tu cherche sur le net des traducteur et tu traduit le read me ou alors tu redemarre ton pc pour terminer l installation si ce n est pas deja fait ou encore tu attend que les gamerziens qui l ont viennent te repondre :wink:


A b i a dit:
bon je vois plusieurs solution, tu cherche sur le net des traducteur et tu traduit le read me ou alors tu redemarre ton pc pour terminer l installation si ce n est pas deja fait ou encore tu attend que les gamerziens qui l ont viennent te repondre :wink:
deja redemarre j ai installer ce qu il fallait hier soir en fait des quej e lance le programe pour configurer j ai un message qui met
"une execption non gérée s est produite dans votre application.si vous cliquez sur coninuer,l application ignore cette erreur et essaie de continuer.si vous cliquez sur quitter,l application s arrête immédiatement.
la référence d objet n 'est pas définie à une distance d un objet"

quand je met continuer ca reviens et je sais rien faire avec le programe
au cas ou voila le read me

"LogiGamer.NET.exe is a mouse profile (scheme) and button binding utility.
You can create different profiles for different games and apps and apply them easily. This is much more convenient that using the mouse control panel applet

LogiGamer.NET.exe uses the new .Net framework (Dot Net).
Get the Microsoft .NET Framework Redistributable 1.1 from http://msdn.microsoft.com/netframework/downloads/howtoget.asp

download the Microsoft .NET Framework Redistributable 1.0 from
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...83F-4E21-B05A-009D06457787&displaylang=en (20 meg download)

And don't forget the framework Service pack 2
http://msdn.microsoft.com/netframework/downloads/updates/sp/default.asp (6 meg download)

You can also get it from the Windows Update if you haven't already...


Common profile operations using LogiGamer should be fairly intuitive, check the menu items and tool tips for quick help.

Auto Apply Profile Function: added "Auto Apply Profile on Application Detection" feature (Tools menu) & "Set associated application" (Profile menu)
Associate an Application (EXE) with a profile, then start the detection thread Tools->"Auto Apply Profile on Application Detection".
When the application process is detected, the associated profile is auto applied.
You can set the option(tools->Options->General) to auto-apply the ".Default" profile once the application ends. You can also set different sound feedback options for this feature.
TIP: the Auto Apply feature is handiest (IMO) when LogiGamer is minimized to the system tray (File->Min... or Ctrl+M)

LogiGamer supports the following command line parameters

"/m" minimize to system tray on launch
"/Q" quit LogiGamer. Use with profile command line argument to apply profile and quit.
e.g. LogiGamer.NET.exe UT2003 /m /q -> applies the UT2003 profile and quits
"/a" start the profile Auto Apply function.
e.g. LogiGamer.NET.exe /a /m -> starts LogiGamer minimized in the system tray and monitor for applications (exe) for which to auto-apply associated profiles

"ProfileName" loads and applies the ProfileName profile, case sensitive
e.g. LogiGamer.NET.exe UT2003 -> applies the UT2003 profile

This Loads and Applies the UT2003 profile on launch and hides the application in the system tray
If the driver does not restart w/ the new profile try again. You can also restart the mouse driver by typing in the Start Menu->Run box "EM_EXEC.exe /Q" to end the mouse driver task and "EM_EXEC.exe" to restart it...

NOTE : DO not edit the .XML file or the .REG file in the LogiGamer directory. Any shortcuts you create must have the Working Directory field point the folder the .EXE is in, otherwise it will NOT find the .XML & .REG file it needs to work.
TIP: Some entries such as "DINPUT*.DLL" and "Opengl32.DLL" affect many games (on top of a possible game EXE entry) , try add/remove/disable these entries to see how it affects the games ability to recognize mouse buttons...
TIP: Instead of removing an entry, change the EXE name or DLL name to something like "FileName.EX_" to keep the entry but to not have it do anything; for example I disabled the Ut2003 entry by setting it to "UT2003.ex_". The game now recognizes my thumb buttons in their default back/forward (actually ALT+LEFT arrow and ALT+Right Arrow) and the scroll buttons which I have set to Page Up and Page Down in a profile...
TIP: Try adding or removing a game to this list to see what works best for that particular game
This feature is accessible in the "File Menu->Compatible Games List..."
REMEMBER to restart the mouse driver to apply changes...

For more info on these registry tweaks from Logitech goto http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm?p...documents=1&countryid=19&languageid=1


STARTED - Jan 9th 2003

UPDATED - supports MX700

UPDATED - Compatible Games List editing

LogiGamer.NET now supports editing the list of "compatible games", i.e. the list of games EXEs or DLLs in the registry that the driver detects and disables its special function for( the infamous "EM_EXEC.exe"; same effect as ending the task)

UPDATED - Feb 3 2003: Can be loaded on startup, Mouse Button Highlighting

UPDATED - Feb 18 2003: Added "Delete Profile" command, improved driver restarting code, fixed

UPDATED - April 6th 2003:
- fixed command line argument error when passing a profile name
- added /Q command line parameter to quit LogiGamer. Use with profile command line argument to apply profile and quit.
e.g. LogiGamer.NET.exe" RvS /q

UPDATED - April 8th 2003:
-NEW FUNCTION: added "Auto Apply Profile on Application Detection" feature (Tools menu) & "Set associated application" (Profile menu)
Associate an Application (EXE) with a profile, then start the detection thread Tools->"Auto Apply Profile on Application Detection".
When the application process is detected, the associated profile is auto applied.
You can set the option (tools->Options->General) to auto-apply the ".Default" profile once the application ends. You can also set different sound feedback options for this feature.
TIP: the Auto Apply feature is handiest (IMO) when LogiGamer is minimized to the system tray (File->Min... or Ctrl+M), and "Auto Apply Default" is check in the Options dialog box
- New command line option for auto-apply
"/a" start the profile Auto Apply function.
e.g. LogiGamer.NET.exe /a /m -> starts LogiGamer minimized in the system tray and monitor for applications (exe) for which to auto-apply associated profiles
- Added OPTION Dialog box to set user preferences
TIP: Users w/ Slow CPUs may want to boost the "Auto Apply Thread Priority" (tools->options->Priority).

-GUI: Re-Arranged menu items, added ToolTips for more info instead of using status bar, preserve status bar info after menu display

UPDATED - April 8th 2003 (again):
-Added "Monitor Thread Sleep Time" option (Tools->Options->Advanced). This is the time interval in milliseconds (ms) at which the Auto-Apply thread scans for Associated Applications (a lotta A's!). The default is 1000 ms( 1 second), the thread goes to sleep in between scans for this period of time. This along with the Monitor Thread priority can be useful for users w/ slow CPUs or games that hog a lotta CPU time when launching. Shorten time and/or boost thread priority if needed.
-Corrected email & version number on Help->About box (damn hotmail!)

UPDATED - April 10th 2003:
-Added Help File
-changed some minor GUI related stuff

UPDATED - April 14th 2003:
-* Embedded required external files into resources, "NewMX500Profile.reg", "NewMX700Profile.reg" and "Buttons.xml" are no longer needed in program folder.
-changes in Help File, including Tutorial
-changed some minor GUI related stuff

UPDATED - April 15th 2003:
-* Added "Games" Tab in Options form, control Advanced Game related options avail in 9.76 drivers
-changes in Help File for Games options
-changed some minor GUI stuff

UPDATED - April 16th 2003:
-* LogiGamer now prompts you to save profile if it has been modified and you switch to another profile or quit
-some internal tweaks

UPDATED - July 28th 2003:
- Added support for 9.78 Mouseware drivers and ANY key binding
NOTE: Some keystrokes use the MS key naming convention. I.e. "Page" Up is "Prior".

Known Issues/Limitations:

LogiGamer does not allow you to edit settings such as Double Click speeds etc, use the mouse control panel applet for those.

BUG in .NET: MouseEnter & MouseLeave events stop firing when the form is hidden and made visible again.
Microsoft had originally said they'd fix it by now , but it seems to have been delayed (D'OH!)...
i.e. red highlight rectangle around drow downs stop responding after LogiGamer is minimized to taskbar...

Feel free to back up (export) your "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Logitech\MouseWare\CurrentVersion\Control Center\Schemes" reg key just in case...

DISCLAIMER: This is freeware and a work in progress and I'm not responsible for any damage it may cause. Use at your own risk.

Feedback: email feedback and suggestion to "gpkgpk13@yahoo.com"



up svp les gars aider moi :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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