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crack 1.1 de sortit :D


UFO: Aftermath patch 1.2 (English version only!)

This patch fixes the following issues:

System issues:

* Various problems with saved game fixed, loading the game is speeded up and
the size of the save folder does not grow uncontrollably
* Game difficulty can be seen in the Game screen
* Cube-mapped textures fixed

In-Game bugs:
* Crash-bug with certain configuration of borders fixed
* Crash-bug with picking-up equipment on the current square fixed
* Biomass growth does not stop occasionally
* Mission urgency is displayed correctly on the loading screen
* The Alien Power Cell prerequisite can be gained
* Various interface problems are fixed
* Various errors in localization files are fixed (text edit)
* Various errors with in-game graphics are fixed

System improvements:
* Gamma correction slider added to Launcher
* Game should now run on Matrox and SiS video cards

Game improvements:
* Paralyzed unit cannot spot enemy
* Door can be destroyed by explosion
* Healing order does not require the units to stand side by side
* The Squad window opens when a mission is accepted
* The soldiers left behind in the first part of a two-phase mission are not
lost even if not all enemies were eliminated beforehand
* A hint about opening doors added to tutorial mission
* A newly captured base in Biomass is set to Anti-biomass by default if that
technology is available
* Fairer awarding of experience points
* Weapon statistics adjusted: hybrid warp weapons are stronger, human rocket
launcher have slightly increased range, alien lasers are slightly weaker, human
laser weapons are little bit better, and other minor adjustments
* Some transgenant statistics are adjusted

Patch 1.2 already includes patch 1.1a (English version 1.0 only!)

This patch fixes the following issues:

* The slowdown in strategic game when Biomass grows too much
* Some problems with Director's cut feature
* Localization problems (text edit)
* Tooltips and other interface problems
* Combat messages from player's unit in tactical game
* Unlimited alien batteries


crack 1.2 dispo et demo sortie ^^


Zwane a dit:
qu'elqu'un l aurait aperçu quelque part? magasin ? emule? irc ? ng ?
Oué je l'ai eu via Bittorent... mais pas encore essayé sorry, j'ai Max Payne 2 et Judge Dredd vs Death a graver avant...
Dès que je l'ai testé, je vous dis quoi..

J'ai adooooré les premiers, y a 10 ans. :D


Voila je viens de l'essayer. Il marche mais il plante après une ou deux minutes de jeux... il marque qu'il ne sait pas écrire dans la mémoire.. bizarre. J'ai mis le patch 1.2 mais ca continue. Il me reste pourtant plus de 7gigas sur le HD sur lequel il est installé...

Need help. Thx.



j y ai joué 2 semaines et déja marre
le jeu a été mal adapté on perd plein de ptits trucs d x com et au final c'est saoulant :)

il est sortit en vf y a 3 4 jours l ai pas testé mais ca doit pas bcp différé de l uk :)

plus qu'a attendre pach 1.2 vf voirt si tes problemes seront résolus :)
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